Tips on how to deal with the competition break

Tips on how to deal with the competition break

Many of us have had to rethink our competition plans for the spring of 2020, not least our profile riders. We therefore decided to ask two of our profile riders, Nathalie and Anna, how they are dealing with the competition break. Are they training to full capacity or are the horses resting? What exactly are their tips on how to deal with the competition break?

Nathalie answer: I'm working a lot on the strength and rideability of my young horses at the moment to make sure their bodies are strong and supple for future competitions. We also go out to the open track for environmental training and practice track jumping.

For Energy, who has never been to a race before, being on a big course with race obstacles but without all the people and horses is perfect for her. It gives her a chance to get some practice jumping from home so she can more easily unwind later when the crowds and everything else arrive.

Anna answer: The competition stop has made us rethink a bit. There will be more time than usual to focus on the young horses. We take the opportunity to go away and jump with them at other facilities both to practice jumping competition obstacles but also to get them used to unfamiliar surroundings. For the young horses, this period is very positive.

My older horses have had a more relaxed period from jumping, where they have had to alternate dressage work with the forest to save them and think sustainably before the season starts again. Lovely old Cash managed to make 4 starts early this year and won 3 of them! He doesn't need jump training but works entertainingly, of course with lots of walk! #skrittamer. For "Micke" the goals for 2020 were set high and we are working purposefully to combine hitting form and working sustainably at the same time.

It's difficult when you don't know exactly when the season will start and how long it will be. We checked the status this weekend when Micke went with us to Stensäter and jumped a higher course. He feels very fresh and jumped fantastic! We had a whole bunch of horses with us and had a rewarding and fun day together with several of my students.

Read more about our profile rider.