Rose Mathisen (NOR)

Norwegian-born Rose Mathisen has lived and worked in Sweden for 30 years.

She is educated at Strömsholm and conducts training and sales of dressage horses from the base at Gränsbo Stuteri and trains students. Rose rides, trains and competes Gränsbo's breeding and dressage horses successfully. Over the years, she has trained several horses for Grand Prix Dressage.

Rose is part of the Swedish Dressage National Team and has an admirably long track record with several different horses. Her fine faithful servant Zuidenwind 1187, stallion born in 2004, is now sold to a Japanese rider who is aiming for the Olympics. Together, they have, among other things, won both gold and silver at the SM for seniors. They were selected for the Olympics in Rio and the WC in Tryon as a reserve. Rose and Zuidenwind have also made several very successful World Cup starts, where most recently in Neumünster they were placed eighth. During the GCT competitions at Stockholm Stadium this summer, the team won the Grand Prix classes on both days. According to Rose, the two European Championships and the bronze medal from Gothenburg are major highlights of her career.

Rose has been a profile rider for the products from Friska Leder for many years. Now she invests further with her two 9-year-olds and hopes to be back at GP level next year. Heston for U after Zuidenwind and Zailor after Bocelli. Rose's horses have received Chondrogen and Conquer regularly from the age of 5 and up. Since the launch in September 2018, they have also received Conquest regularly. She also takes HA-GO and HA-GO Follow Up herself to keep her own joints in shape.

"I have been using Conquer and Chondrogen since EvaVet introduced them to the market. In all these years I have had far fewer joint treatments than is normal. My horses have competed internationally at GP level for many years. Can be highly recommended," says Rose

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Andre Brandt (SWE)

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