Vikten av att skritta

Vikten av att skritta

Att skritta är en viktig del av hästens vardag. Hästar är gjorda för att hålla sig i rörelse för att må såbra som möjligt i alla aspekter. Risken för bland annat kolik, korsförlamning och ledskado...


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Chondrogen 100pro vs ChondroPlus

Chondrogen 100pro vs ChondroPlus

"What is the difference between Chondorgen and ChondroPlus?" This question arose a few times during the fair in Gothenburg earlier this year and now we will clarify this for you. Actually, the...

Hyaluronsyra som Hyaluronsyra?

Hyaluronic acid as Hyaluronic acid?

Does it matter which hyaluronic acid product I choose?

TEMA Uppbyggnad

THEME Structure

In the month of February, we talked to our profile rider Nathalie Bozic. February is about the theme Building. Nathalie has ridden all her life, she has competed up to 3* international 145cm L...

Rid mycket – träna lite

Ride a lot - train a little

Riding a lot and training a little is an expression veterinarian Eva Skiöldebrand advises all riders. The horse is made to be in motion and therefore does not feel good standing still.

Vad händer i leden när den blir överansträngd?

What happens in the joint when it is overstrained?

We have learned that the most common cause of lameness and joint inflammation is overexertion. We also know that repeated joint inflammations and substandard recovery in the long run cause osteoar...

3 viktiga punkter efter behandling av ledskada

3 important points after treatment of joint damage

3 important points after treatment of joint damage To the greatest extent possible, we work to prevent joint injuries and joint diseases, but, one day we may suddenly stand there and have to tr...

Kyla eller värme? När skall jag använda vad?

Cold or heat? When should I use what?

We are often asked when it is appropriate to cool the horse's legs and when to wrap and warm instead. Many people feel insecure and you wind up or cool down a bit depending on what feels good at t...

aktiv vilaAktiv vila eller helvila

Active rest or complete rest

How do you know whether to choose active rest or complete rest? It is not always easy to know, as it is very dependent on the horse and its conditions.



Walking is a very important gait so that the articular cartilage in the horse's joints can be nourished in a natural and effective way, says our partner Eva Skiöldebrand, veterinarian and professor...

conquestConquest – extra återhämtning i rehabiliteringsfasen efter ledinflammation

Conquest – extra recovery in the rehabilitation phase after joint inflammation

Joint inflammation and lameness are the most common reasons why our horses have to be treated by a veterinarian. The trickiest thing about the disease is that it is periodically low-grade.

Biverkningar av Boswellia Serrata

Side Effects of Boswellia Serrata

Side effects of Boswellia Serrata are unusual, especially when dosing according to the recommendation. However, side effects may occur in rare cases.