Kristian Von Krusenstierna (SWE)

Profile rider & key person in DressagePower

We are very proud to present our profile rider Kristian Von Krusenstierna. Kristian is a Grand Prix rider and A trainer in dressage. He runs one of the country's largest riding schools and is co-founder of DressagePower. What a role model!

Kristian is 44 years old and grew up on Ågesta Gård in Farsta outside Stockholm. On the farm, he today runs Ågesta Riding School together with his family. He has ridden throughout his upbringing and started competing already at the age of eight, then in all disciplines.

Kristian's journey from 13 years old to today

With a borrowed B-pony, he made it all the way to SM gold in dressage as a 13-year-old! After the transition to a big horse, there have been both SM, NM and EC starts as a YR rider and he ended his youth years with a victory in the Kraft Young Rider Cup.

Kristian has also worked at Jan Brink and has been part of Knytkalaset with training for Kyra Kyrklund. The close-knit party further resulted in a couple of years in England stationed with Kyra and Richard White, which gave experience right up to the GP. With the horse Wilson, Kristian competed at GP level between 2002-2008 and rode both the WC and the World Cup final!

The career from 2008 onwards has included competition up to international GP with the horses Charleston, Apri 4cidble and Biggles 1015. Together with Biggles, the crew reached up to 50th place on the FEI World ranking list.

Since 2011, Kristian trains regularly for Edward Gal and Nicole Werner in Holland. He has horses in different levels with a view to the GP.

Ågesta Riding School and Trainer of the Year 2018

Although 2018 was a gap year in terms of riding, it was a magical year in terms of training. Many great successes for students both at national and international level led to the appointment of Coach of the Year 2018!

Kristian has many irons in the fire and combines training at the family's riding school, competition at a high level and is at the same time a driving force in Dressage Power.

The horses at Ågesta Riding School now receive supplements from EvaVet to help them recover optimally in a strenuous everyday life with many sessions on the same surface. It will be fantastically exciting to follow these horses.

We are really looking forward to this collaboration! Read more about Kristian at .

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