Jump rider Olof Smith is a rider with a solid horse background. He has completed Flyinge's stable manager training with a focus on young horses and is a certified horseman. He has worked as a student with Peter Eriksson, as a rider at Flyinge and has also been a rider at the famous stud farm Zangersheide. Olof competed at a high level already as a junior and Young rides where, among other things, he took home a SM bronze for the YR. As a senior, he has many wins and placings in difficult jumping up to 155 cm internationally. In the list of merits there is everything from, among other things, Yearling Championships, Young Horse WC and dressage trials, where most of the dressage trial winners over the years have been ridden and trained by Olof. Riding in a team is something he likes a lot and at home hangs the majority of team SM medals, the majority of which are gold
Olof has trained several horses from start to difficult jumping. Today, most competition weekends are spent together with daughter Lilly, who has taken over several of his older stars.
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